Avengers: EndGame Trailer Breakdown

After keeping the fans waiting for far too long, Marvel Decided to drop the trailer of the Avengers Endgame today. As you all know, there was a lot of speculation about the title of the next Avenger Movie:
Few of the top rumored titles were:
- The Last Avenger
- Avengers: Endgame
- Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet
- Avengers: Annihilation
- Infinity Crusade
- Avengers: Secret Invasion
The title Avengers: ENDGAME gave me a shock. They already had dropped hints about the Avengers 4 movie Title two times before!!!!
First time:
In the Avengers the Age of Ultron:
Do you remember the first physical appearance of Ultron? Just when All the Avengers were celebrating and were trying to lift the Mjolnir (Like they were worthy, LOL), Ultron makes his entrance. He gives some kind of big creepy speech about how he had found the true Pathway to Peace and decides to attack the Avengers with the Iron Legion. Iron Legion is destroyed in no time and so is the Ultron by the God of Thunder.
Later, all the Avengers start blaming Tony Stark for creating Ultron (The badass AI villain). At that time Tony Stark says,
"We're the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all the live long day, but that up there ? That's the ENDGAME."
The Second Time:
At the end of the Avengers Infinity war, just after giving off the Time Stone and turning into the dust, Doctor Strange as a reply to Tony's Question, "Why would you do that ( Give off the Time Stone)", Says, "We're in the ENDGAME now."
So that's all about the title of Avenger 4. Below you can see the whole trailer of AVENGERS: ENDGAME and we will discuss it once you finish watching it.
So once again Marvel has done a great Job at telling the Fans NOTHING (Where the hell is Captain Marvel?????). Though the Trailer didn't tell much, every fan including me has gone crazy.
So let's break down the trailer:
Tony Stark / The Iron Man:

Just at the start of the trailer we see Tony's Iron Man suit helmet. If you can remember, this is the same Nanomachine / Nanobots Suit of Tony, which made the mad Titan bleed (But still it was pretty Useless against the one who possessed the Gauntlet, just saying)
Tony sighs, reaches out for the helmet and knocks on it to check if "This thing's on?" and is recording a message.
And the first line he says is "Hey Miss Potts." ...... "if you find this recording, don't feel bad about this"... "Part of the journey is the end. Just for the record being adrift in space is more fun than it sounds"
Damn man!... He loves her so much :(
So... the great Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist has made it out of the planet Titan and is in the space, trying to get back. Seems like the food, water supplies are exhausted and even the Oxygen is about to run out. It also looks like their ship can't jump to light space. I found myself saying, "How long do you want him to suffer, You damn Russos!!!"
let it be, I must control my emotions if I need to complete this article. But the next line just killed me, "When I drift off I will Dream about you. It's always you"
Let me warn you, you damn Russo brothers! If anything happens to Tony...
"I have a very particular set of skills... skills that make me (The Masked Lord) nightmare for people like you. If anything happens to Tony, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you."
But still, I can't just buy that they cannot make the light space jump. Probably Tonny has with him the Nebula, Adopted Daughter of an Intergalactic Warlord, who herself is a half machine... And Tony who is the creator of many Advanced weapons and Iron man suits and... I just can't buy that they together cannot repair the ship.
"If a Racoon can, then they should be able to repair the ship too!"
Let it be let's move on to the next scene.
Second Scene:
I think this doesn't need an explanation. Marvel Studios to Tony, "Mr. Stark I don't feel so Good :("
But truly, never can we see a more legendary MARVEL STUDIOS banner than this.
Third Scene:

Imagine that you have just killed half the Universe and now are the most hated person in the world. What would you do?
Will take a Stroll through my farm, what else....
That's what you will see Thanos doing in this scene. He has left his Armor and is taking a walk through his farm. Which reminds me of Farmer Thanos from the Comics. (Yeah you heard it right. That big blue-purple, wrinkly, muscular guy was a farmer)
And if you look carefully the Gauntlet is still damaged. I think he will need to take an appointment from the Eitri of Nidavellir.. but wait... there is 50% chance that he, Eitri, the king of the dwarves, and the last survior from Nidavellir is also....

Fourth Scene:
So not only humans but also 50% of total cows, cats, dogs, ants, rats, elephants and the Dinosaurs... are dead... or (just transferred to another dimension)...
🤔 umm wait... Dinosours are already dead..
🤔 umm wait... Dinosours are already dead..
Here we see Steve Rogers, the world war 2 veteran (RESPECT!) shedding tears. His manly look with beard and mustache from Avengers infinity war is gone and now, he is a clean-shaven man.
This must've hurt many girls.

We also see our dear Mark Ruffalo aka Bruce Banner looking at a screen having Scott Lang's (Antman's) picture on it, with the word 'missing' in red at the bottom of the screen.
And in the screen just next to it, you will see the Sister of the King T'challa, Shuri. The smartest woman who nearly pulled out the Mind stone from Vision without killing him. We didn't actually see Shuri getting turned into the dust after the snap in the Avengers Infinity war, but we didn't see her alive either. So for right now, she is missing.
Scott Lang & Shuri Can be seen in this Picture.
And in the screen just next to it, you will see the Sister of the King T'challa, Shuri. The smartest woman who nearly pulled out the Mind stone from Vision without killing him. We didn't actually see Shuri getting turned into the dust after the snap in the Avengers Infinity war, but we didn't see her alive either. So for right now, she is missing.
Scott Lang & Shuri Can be seen in this Picture.

P.S. Huge Respect for you Mark Ruffalo, you have been helping so many poor people from your country. You helped them find their voice.

Here we also see Thor sitting on a bench and maybe thinking about the past events. Damn! That guy lost his father, had to fight with his own sister, saw his brother getting killed, saw his companion and first love Mjolnir getting broken to pieces.... (*oh sorry wait, I am crying, can't just control my tears*)...
Here we hear the Captain's voice, "We Lost, All of us."
Now for the first time in this trailer we get to see Nebula. Probably she is with Tony Stark or maybe has left with her own ship to somewhere else. She touches someone'es Shoulder. And coming from Nebula, that Sympathetic touch means a lot. Maybe that's the corpse of someone she knew or maybe just the shoulder of Tony, who has drifted away due to the lack of Oxygen, food and water.
Just don't die Tony, Please.... Don't Die...

The captain comtinues his motivational speech, "We lost friends, we lost family"
And on the mention of family, we see a hooded, cloacked figure cleaning his sword /Katana. The Costume made it easy to know who it is....

It's none other than Hawkeye, Clint Barton or should I say Master Assasin Ronin

Hawkeye/Clint barton had chosen to stay out of the fights in the last movie. He was at someplace safe with his family, but Thanos took them away from him. So, he is back and is in his most powerful form, Ronin.
The name Ronin refers to the Japanese term for a masterless Samurai, A lone Warrior.
Later we see black Widow comforting Captain Rogers saying, "This is going to work Steve"... And as a reply, the captain says, "I know it is, because I don't know what am I going to do if it doesn't".

After the poster of Avengers ENDGAME, there was something unexpected waiting for us....

Scott Lang/Paul Rudd is outside the Avengers HQ with his van . He is asking them to buzz him in. And just in case if they don't remmember him... he tells them about the incident where he helped Captain Amercia a few years back.
"Come on dude, no one could forget you after you turned into a 60 feet giant... And could anyone ever forget you, after that monstrous laughter of yours... So, really????"
As we have seen in the Antman & the Wasp movie, Scott Lang was trapped in Quantum realm and had no way of coming out as Hope, Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne were turned to Dust after the Snap.
How he managed to get out is a mystery. As we all have seen how difficult it is to come out of the Quantum Realm, and it's nearly impossible to come outside by yourself.
But... if he is somehow outside, his powers must have increased due to his stay in the Quantum Realm. Can't wait to see you in action man! He hasn't been given that much attention in the Marvel Universe yet.... (remember Tony's words? "Who is this guy?) So I think this movie is going to be his big move.
Hopefully just as the Scott Lang is back, Shuri should be alive too. (She would definitely want to kick some ass).
So, that's all there was for the breakdown of Avengers: Endgame teaser trailer. We didn't get to see Captain Marvel in the trailer but as her own movie is coming up, they probably didn't want to spoil anything. I hope you enjoyed this post. Please let me know your views in the comment section. And you can always read my previous posts.
Masked Lord
(Jayesh Bhaware)
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